With a name (anagram) like that, what else do you need? Well, for starters, a gorgeous face to go with it. Meet Erin, a very savvy and witty red-head with a great sense of humor and altruistic tendencies. (easy now) She likes to promote self-published authors on her Blog ClickMyLit. I peeped (forgive me, but what other word can go with "tweets") her Tweets (d.e. not intentional) and just couldn't resist finding out more about the blog and who was behind it. She's a sweetheart, check out her Blog and say hello. And if you have a book to promote, she just might feature it on CML.
Just let her know that ProseFreak sent you, you hear me. (That last part is an old expression from the Barrio. Roll with it folks, it's all I got for now.)