Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Author Q&A on

Okay folks, here's the scoop on my Q&A for Goodreads. The Q&A never took off, (ooohh, big surprise) however, over 500 readers signed up and requested a free copy of my novel. Not bad. I've only got 3 books to give away so I'll have to post it again to give others a chance to win. Best of all, I've made some very good friends along the way.

Q&A's are tough because a lot of people are not brave enough to ask questions for fear of sounding silly or whatever. Sometimes, they're just not comfortable with the author, especially if they look so mean in their Bio photo (like me) but I didn't want to change it. I like looking mean.

Anyway, aside from that, I think Goodreads needs to redefine their Q&A features so that authors get better and more exclusive exposure. The way it's set up now, it's nothing more than a Q&A Group the Author forms, which is too short a notice unless you already have a big following with another Group that will allow you to promote the Q&Q Group. It just doesn't work like it should. And I'm comparing Goodreads with LibraryThing's Author Chats which they promote with a special Author Chat page, including the author's photo and links to the Author Chat with dates for the chat, and so forth. This is far more effective and I'm sure will yield some interesting questions. At least I expect it too. But unless one is a famous author, nobody cares about asking you anything. It's not about the questions, as much as it is about making a connection with a "celebrity". (Yeah, I'm screwed.)

As far as the advertising on Goodreads, forget it. I spent $60 for an ad that is nothing more than a cover shot with a book description, which links to the author's website. (You get what you pay for, right?) Not very effective at all. The so-called ads don't look like advertising, which is what people expect to see. Advertising promo's, not a list of books. Big difference. Either way, it was a test, as all advertising is and for me, it doesn't work, just like I knew it wouldn't. You may have better luck. Who knows? Good placement also depends on how much one is willing to spend per click, and there are only 2 prime spots to feature the books though. I'm going to up my per click price and see what happens, but I don't think it will make much difference since the premium space is a list just the same.

I like an ad to look like an ad. With a headline and body copy and an offer of some kind. It attracts readers since they're always on the lookout for a bargain or something new. I'll make suggestions to the Goodreads staff and see what they come up with.

My "book giveaway" ends this Friday 14th and hopefully I'll get some reviews in exchange for the free book. That's the deal, sort of. The reviews are not guaranteed. Ufah! I thought this was a good deal? Well it is in many ways. It's all about exposure and credibility at this point. Sales are yet to pick up. It'll take a lot more promos and more time to get things rolling.

I did get a few good comments about the book and that's encouraging, so I need to connect with many more readers within the genre.

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A lot going on with my book promos and I'll keep you posted. I'm having a great time! My LibraryThing Author Chat starts on September 1-11th. I've also posted my book as a giveaway there and so far over 240 people have requsted it. I think I'll switch my author photo to something dorky. That just might help.