Thursday, October 6, 2011

Better World Books - A Better Way to Buy Books

Here's a great way to feel even better when you buy books. Maybe it's just me, but when I indulge in a book buying spree, I feel a little guilty about it. (probably for good reason) but buying from Better World Books has changed all that. Now I can go nuts and buy all the books I want because for every book I buy, Better World Books donates a book to someone else. Plus shipping is free.

That's a pretty good deal and a great business model, which I'm sure will catch on and keep spreading throughout the world. We can credit Kelsey Timmerman with that business innovation, at least its publicity, as he's sold millions of shoes that way too.

BWB is now matching that business model with great fanfare. Check out their books here: See the Green Video (bottom, right) Better World Books

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Go for it, you only live once! But please, no porno or promo ads. You know where you can post those okay.